Foods that aggravate gout and kidney stones…

What can you and can’t eat when you have gout?

Gout is a painful form of arthritis that occurs when the body has too much uric acid, which forms crystals that build up in and around the joint.
The body breaks down a chemical called purine to form uric acid. Purine is something that your body produces naturally, and it’s also found in some foods. Urine is the body’s way of getting rid of uric acid. About half of people who get gout get it in their toes. Other people get it in their fingers, wrists, knees, and heels. Uric acid crystals can form in the joints when the amount of uric acid is high. This process causes pain, swelling, and inflammation. A diet that helps with gout can help reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood. What you eat will not cure your gout. But it can reduce the chance of getting a gout attack again and slow down joint damage.

What types of foods can cause gout?

If you have gout, eating certain foods that raise uric acid levels can trigger an attack. A substance that is commonly found in food and can be a trigger is purines. Uric acid is a waste product that your body produces when it breaks down purines. People who are healthy don’t have to worry about it because their body gets rid of excess uric acid well. People with gout, on the other hand, cannot properly get rid of excess uric acid. Since purines are found in many foods, they can cause uric acid to build up and cause a gout attack.


  • Meat organs and glands. Stay away from meats like liver and kidneys because they are rich in purine and increase the amount of uric acid in the blood. Meat from wild animals, such as pheasants, veal and deer.
  • Meat. Reduce the amount of beef, lamb, and pork you eat.
  • Fish and shellfish. Fish and seafood like anchovies, shellfish, sardines, and tuna have more purines than other fish and seafood. However, eating fish may be better for your health in general than the risk for people with gout. Fish such as mackerel, herring, trout, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and more
  • Alcohol. Beer and distilled beverages can increase the likelihood that you will get gout and repeated attacks. If you have gout, do not drink alcohol …
  • Drinks and foods with a high sugar content. Reduce or stay away from foods that are high in sugar, such as sweets, baked goods, and sweetened meals. Limit how much naturally sweet fruit juice you drink. Also, you should stay away from processed carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, and cookies. They don’t have a lot of purines or sugars, but they’re low in nutrients and can raise uric acid levels.

For more information on foods you should not eat if you have gout or kidney stones, watch the video…

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