How do you get rid of warts naturally?

Twenty percent of warts go away in three months or less on healthy people, and sixty percent go away within two years. So, treatment isn’t always necessary, but people often want it because warts are annoying, painful, and public. There are many conventional and alternative ways to treat warts these days, which is good news. Focusing on immune system boosts like vitamin C and zinc-rich foods and drinks full of probiotics, like kefir, is one of the best ways to avoid and treat warts. There are natural ways to get rid of warts on your hands, feet, or anywhere else on your body. Let’s look at how to get rid of warts and keep them from coming back.

What are warts?

Warts are skin growths caused by HPV. They look like raised bumps on the skin and can appear in different sizes and shapes. Warts appear on the hands, fingers, feet and face. Although genital warts are also caused by the same virus, it’s a different strain and they can only be contracted sexually. Warts are contagious and can spread through direct contact or damaged skin. They can go away on their own, but some people seek treatment due to their discomfort or appearance.

What are verrucas?

Verrucas (plantar warts) are small growths that appear on the soles of the feet. Again, they are caused by the same virus as warts. They are flat, rough, or slightly raised bumps with a hard, thickened centre. Black dots may appear in the middle of them, too. Verrucas often cause discomfort or pain when walking or standing, as they can be pushed into the skin due to pressure on the feet. These growths are typically contracted through direct contact with the virus, often in damp or communal areas like swimming pools and locker rooms. While verrucas can sometimes resolve on their own, they may require treatment if they cause discomfort or persist.

What is the difference between a callus and a verruca?

A callus is a thickened patch of skin that forms from repeated rubbing or pressure. It’s usually painless and looks like a flat, tough area. Calluses can appear on various parts of the body, including the feet and hands. In contrast, a verruca is a small raised bump on the sole of the foot caused by a virus. Verrucas can have a rough surface and might be painful, especially when pressed. They can also have tiny black dots inside them. Unlike calluses, verrucas are contagious and are contracted through direct contact with the virus in places like communal showers. If you’re unsure about a growth on your feet, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for proper guidance.

What Causes Warts

There are more than 100 different kinds of HPV, and they are all what cause warts. HPV makes skin grow faster than normal and can spread through direct contact. This is how warts are made. HPV can get into the skin through cuts or scrapes that aren’t too badly damaged.

What Causes Risk
Using public bathrooms, working with meat, and having a weak immune system from HIV/AIDS or immunosuppressant drugs are all things that can make you more likely to get a wart. Warts are usually safe and go away on their own in people with strong immune systems. This can happen in as little as a month or as long as two years.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Warts

Get rid of the wart by smoking it.

People in ancient China used to treat heel warts by putting them in a “smoke box” filled with smoke from burnt Populus euphratica tree leaves. I know it sounds really strange. It has been shown to work just as well as regular medical treatment. A lot of people use it on heel warts, but it can also work well on hand warts. How to make a smoke box to treat warts:Get Populus euphratica leaves and let them dry out.
Outside, in a safe place, set them on fire and let them burn for a few minutes. So the fires go out, cover them so they don’t get fresh air.
Carefully place your feet about six inches above the burning leaves. For at least 15 minutes, let the smoke soak into the bottom of your foot where the wart is. When the fire is out, be very careful not to get your feet burned or blistered. Stay away from the embers and make sure the flames are out. This can help get rid of warts because the smoke from the burning leaves contains salicylates, which are antiviral chemicals.

Duct tapes

Researchers have found that duct tape works better than freezing or cryotherapy. In one study, 85% of people who used duct tape didn’t have any warts, while only 60% of people who did cryotherapy did. Most warts that were treated with duct tape were gone in 28 days. Most warts that were treated with cryotherapy needed two sessions, at least two weeks apart. The duct-tape medicine may work by making the patient’s immune system stronger, say researchers. In addition, kids think the duct tape method is less scary. As one doctor put it, “duct tape seems like a good idea as a safe and nonthreatening way to treat kids.” To use duct tape, put silver duct tape over the wart for six days, soak it in water, and slowly peel off the dead skin. After that, leave the wart out in the open for about 12 hours. The process is done again and again until the wart is gone.

Onion and banana peels

On top of being good for acne and bug bites, banana peels and garlic can also help get rid of warts. In particular, these two foods have been shown to help get rid of plantar, flat, and common warts. You can get better results if you put two to four drops of thuja extract or tea tree oil on the wart first, then cover it with a banana peel or garlic patch. Then, either cut a banana peel into a thin layer and tape it over the wart, OR put a thin slice of fresh garlic over the wart and cover it with olive oil. Seal the garlic in place with tape. Pick one and do it right before bed. This garlic or banana patch might need to be done every night for up to three weeks. The wart will turn black as it starts to die.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to get rid of warts naturally. Just soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and put it on the wart straight. Put a wrap over it for the night. This process might need to be done more than once, but you should see effects in the end.


You can also get zinc as a cream that you put on the wart. The zinc cream used to treat warts usually has 20% zinc oxide in it and is put on the skin twice a day for three months. Using distilled water with 5 to 10 percent zinc sulfate on the skin three times a day for four weeks is another choice. The above choices are for warts that aren’t on the genital area. If you have vaginal warts on the outside, you can paint them with vitamin A or beta-carotene liquid once or twice a day. It works best if you add three to four drops of thuja, echinacea, and lomatium liquids also. You should not use it on internal genital warts, and if you are pregnant, you should not use any kind of sexual treatment at all without first talking to your doctor. Zinc can really help with warts because a lot of people who have them don’t get enough zinc. People who have warts and don’t have enough zinc may benefit the most from taking the pill. For two to six months, you should take 10 milligrams of zinc sulfate per kilogram by mouth every day, up to a maximum of 600 milligrams per day. This is for viral warts.

As an added bonus, essential oils can also be used to treat warts naturally. Tea tree, oregano, lemon, thyme, and eucalyptus oils are some of the most common ways to treat warts. All of these oils can kill germs. Carvacrol, an antibacterial chemical, is found in both oregano oil and thyme oil. Each of them is also an antiviral oil. Put one drop of oregano oil, one drop of frankincense oil, and a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil together. This will help with heel warts. Two or three times a day, put this mixture directly on the wart and the area around it for two to four weeks, or until the wart goes away. After the wart is gone for a week, keep applying it to keep it from coming back. For genital warts, mix frankincense oil with tea tree oil (melaleuca) and apply it the same way you would any other oil. Oil treatment should be used even after warts are gone to make sure they don’t come back. To keep the oils from spreading, use a clean Q-tip each time.

Salicylic acid

To use salicylic acid, first clean the verruca and surrounding skin, then apply a bit of salicylic acid solution or gel directly onto the verruca. Let it dry and optionally cover it with a bandage. Repeat this daily, following the product’s instructions. After a few days, gently exfoliate the area with a pumice stone or file. Be patient, as results might take time. Salicylic acid softens the verruca’s layers, gradually aiding in its removal.


Iodine is thought to have antiseptic properties that might affect verrucas, but scientific proof is limited and not all verrucas respond to the treatment. Patience is needed, as results might take time to become noticeable.

Hot water soak

Fill a basin with comfortably hot water and immerse the affected area, including the verruca, for about 15-20 minutes. After soaking, gently exfoliate the verruca. Repeat this daily. Hot water soaks are thought to soften the skin and verruca, potentially helping with its removal.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is thought to possess natural antiviral properties that could combat the verruca-causing virus. This method is non-invasive, accessible and affordable, making it a convenient choice. Unlike some medical treatments, tea tree oil avoids harsh chemicals and is easy to apply. Its antimicrobial effects might also help prevent infection.

How to Get Rid of Warts: Making Changes to Your Lifestyle

Your chances of getting any kind of wart go down thanks to things you can do. HPV, which grows best in warm, damp places, is what causes warts. Pools, showers, and other water-based places that people use a lot are great places for warts to grow. With this in mind, you should always wear shoes when you use a public changing room, shower, or pool area. Stay away from someone who has a wart if they have one. Do not scratch or pick at a wart because this can make it get infected and spread. If you need to, you can put a cloth over a wart, but don’t leave it on for too long or it will get wet.

Keep your hands as dry as possible at all times, because warts are harder to get rid of when they’re wet. In places where there are warts, you should never brush, comb, or cut because it’s easy for them to spread. After touching a wart, you should wash your hands well. Keep clothes and blankets that could touch someone with a wart away from other people in the house for their own safety. Also, don’t wear the same clothes or socks from the day before.

Some of the most important things you can do to avoid getting genital warts are:
Not having sex
Not having sex with someone who has genital warts that you can see
Using condoms while having a sexual encounter
Having sex with only one partner—monogamy
These changes to your lifestyle are great ways to get rid of warts or keep them from appearing in the first place.

Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Have Warts

Do not try to get rid of a wart by yourself. No matter what kind of wart you have, you should never try to cut it off yourself. If you only have one wart, you might think it won’t spread, but if you’re not careful, it’s very easy for them to do so. Playing doctor with your skin can make it more likely that you will get more warts, get an illness, or wound yourself. You can’t get rid of warts by cutting yourself.
Do not pick or scratch spots. This can lead to bleeding, getting sick, and spreading.
Make sure you follow general fire safety rules and keep your feet or hands away from the smoke when you use the smoke box method.
If you see bad skin reactions on parts of healthy skin while using a topical treatment, like essential oils, stop using it.
Before you start any treatment, natural or not, you should always check with your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, or treating a kid.

For more information about warts removal,watch my video!
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