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How does colon cancer show up on the skin, stool, eyes…?

Today I will talk about the main symptoms of colon and rectal cancer. This type of cancer is extremely dangerous and on the rise. We can all “thank” this for the modern way of life. We all eat very badly, eat many times a day, drink large amounts of drugs, are overweight, chronic stress, insomnia, years of life, genetics…

The risk of developing colorectal cancer increases significantly after 40. 90% of all cancers are detected in people over the age of 50. Every person over the age of 50 carries a 5% risk of being 74. Develop colon cancer, a 2.5% risk of dying from colon cancer.

And the more alarming it is, more and more young people have this type of cancer. Only about 5 percent of colorectal cancer cases are believed to be inherited, meaning it’s very likely that there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself. Given these statistics, it is important to know more about the symptoms of colon cancer. The colon contains two layers of smooth tissue that are covered with mucous membranes, which help absorb nutrients.

In the lower colon, fluids are absorbed and waste is compacted into a stool, which is then stored in the rectum before emptying the intestine, which eliminates it. The main role of the colon is to store the contents that come from the small intestine and expel this content with powerful movements. In addition, the colon takes and returns water and electrolytes and fatty acids from the contents. As various substances from food get into the large intestine, some of which are harmful, damage to its mucous membranes is possible.

A sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in fats and meat, and excessive intake of alcohol slow down the work of the intestines, so the harmful content in them lingers longer and damages the mucous membranes, which over time becomes more difficult to restore and protect, so various diseases develop, including tumors.

The most common are adenomas (polyps) and adenocarcinomas. Removal of polyps and detection of cancer in the initial stage of growth is the main purpose of treating and preventing the development of cancer. Polyps or adenomas are tissue growths that grow from the mucous membrane of the large intestine to the inner side, that is, the cavity of the large intestine. They can be small, just slightly above the intestinal mucosa, larger or large, with or without a peduncle, which narrowthe intestinal cavity, especially in the final part, where the intestine is narrower. The frequency of polyps is between 7% and 50%. They can occur at any age in both sexes, but most often they are found in people over the age of 60.

Polyps are usually single, but there can be more of them. Although they can be found in all parts of the large intestine, they are most often located in its final part. Unfortunately, the symptoms of the disease in the earlier stages are extremely mild and you hardly notice, until the situation is critical!
The most common symptoms of colon cancer include:Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating or discomfort. Changes in bowel habits and stool consistency, such as diarrhea, constipation or narrowing and thinning of the stool. Some people experience alternating attacks of constipation and then diarrhea. These symptoms affect almost everyone from time to time, so it’s really only worrying if they last for a few weeks or more.

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