How to cleanse the liver of toxins in a natural way?

How to cleanse the liver of toxins in a natural way?

The liver is the largest internal organ, weighing about 1.2-1.5 kg in an adult human. It is located in the right upper abdomen and for the most part protected by ribs. The liver occupies a central place in metabolism, i.e. the functioning of the metabolism in the body. Due to a number of important, essential functions for life, it is figuratively called the “chemical factory” of our body. To perform its functions successfully, about 1.5 L of blood per minute passes through the liver, which makes about 1/4 of the total amount of blood expelled by the heart.

Liver functions

Liver cells – hepatocytes have a multitude of metabolic functions that are enabled by a rich blood supply, and they achieve them thanks to close contact with the blood, which is enabled by very permeable endothelial cells of the capillaries in the liver. All hepatocytes participate in metabolism, i.e. processing of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, bile – bilirubin, bile acids, vitamins, minerals and some hormones.

Protein metabolism
Proteins (proteins) from food broken down to their constituent parts – amino acids, the liver uses as a building material for the synthesis of its own proteins and plasma proteins, which have various vital functions in the body. Thus, immunoglobulins and components of the complement system that are in charge of the body’s defense are formed in the liver; coagulation factors involved in the process of blood clotting; and various transport proteins (transferrin, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin) responsible for the transfer of iron, copper, and some other substances within the body.

Fat metabolism
In the liver, dietary fats are metabolized. They serve as a source of energy for the liver and the most effective long-term energy store. The liver uses fats from food in the form of chylomicrons, triglycerides, and free fatty acids, and processes them into new forms such as phospholipids, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Cholesterol, ingested through food and synthesized in the liver, is a substance that is essential for the functioning of every cell; it produces bile, some hormones and vitamin D.

Carbohydrate metabolism
An important source of energy for humans are carbohydrates that we ingest into the body through food, and we find them in foods such as cereals, legumes, fruits and sugar. Carbohydrates are broken down in the intestines to blood sugar – glucose, which is then absorbed and reaches the liver through the blood. Excess glucose ingested through food is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen or fatty acids. Therefore, the liver is the central organ for maintaining constant blood glucose levels, which is important for the functioning of all organs in the body, especially the brain.

Metabolism of bilirubin and bile acids
Bile (yellow-greenish thick juice) is synthesized in the liver, collected in the bile ducts, stored in the gallbladder, and from there it reaches the intestine through the bile duct. The constituents of bile, especially bile acid, promote the process of digestion in the intestines, especially the processing and absorption of fats. In addition to bile acids, bile also contains bile – bilirubin. Bilirubin is also produced in the liver, by the breakdown of hemoglobin, where it is converted into a soluble form so that it can be excreted into the intestine through bile and then expelled from the body in the stool.

Metabolism of vitamins and minerals
The liver stores vitamins A, D, E and B12 in large quantities, and vitamin K and folic acid in smaller quantities. The liver also stores iron in significant quantities, one of the necessary (essential) elements.

Hormone metabolism
The liver is an extremely important site in the breakdown of hormones. Insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, glucocorticoids, estrogens, and parathyroid hormone are predominantly inactivated in the liver.

Metabolism of drugs and toxins
The role of the liver in biotransformation, i.e. transformation of foreign substances – drugs and poisons – into forms harmless to the body. With the help of special enzymes, they can be chemically transformed into less toxic substances in the liver or converted into substances that are more soluble in water, so they are easier to excrete from the body through the kidneys or bile.
The liver also plays a very important role in the breakdown of alcohol. It metabolizes about 90% of the alcohol ingested, while the rest is excreted by the lungs and kidneys. However, the process of biotransformation of alcohol, drugs and other toxins leaves consequences on the liver. During the process itself, in most cases, toxic metabolites are formed, most often free radicals (O2 ̄, HOO ̄) that are extremely reactive and quickly cause peroxidation of lipids, most often cell membrane lipids, which causes damage and death of liver cells.

How to cleanse the liver of toxins?

How well the body gets rid of and cleanses toxins affects your health and well-being. Most people need a serious detox because they are exposed to toxins from the environment, in body care products, medications, or by eating processed foods every day. Liver cleansing, also called liver detox, is a great way to start cleansing your body. When the liver is not working at its best, it cannot properly break down food, especially fats. That’s why it’s so important to stay away from fatty liver and cleanse your liver to get rid of toxins.

Signs that your liver is not healthy

If you’ve recently noticed any of these signs, your liver may not be working as it should. These are the symptoms of a diseased liver:
Abdominal pain and gas
Acid in the stomach and heartburn
Jaundice (skin, eyes..)
You can’t lose weight
High blood pressure
Mood swings, stress or sadness
Dark urine
Chronic fatigue
Excessive sweating
Easy to get hurt

One of the common symptoms is swollen legs. Due to poor liver function, you often have problems with venous circulation in the legs, which results in swollen legs and feet. Expect frequent fungalfoot infections. Due to poor liver function, candida infections can easily occur. This happens because the liver fails to detoxify and destroy the infection and it occurs as a fungal infection of the feet.
There is one disease called peripheral neuropathy. And it is associated with poor liver function. This means that you have nerve damage in your legs. They manifest themselves as tingling, burning, radiating pain in the foot…
People with liver disease often have itching in their feet. Studies show that bile salts collect under the skin,causing itching. As your liver is not working properly, expect a much higher concentration of toxins and poisons in the body. Toxins in the abundance of evaporation from the skin often come out on the feet,causing an unpleasant foot odor to ammonia or as rotten eggs.

What to do?

  1. Get rid of foods that are bad for you.

Your liver health is compromised if you eat a lot of processed foods. This is because these foods are fundamentally bad for liver health. Hydrogenated oils, excess sugar, fast food, and lunch meat are known to be bad for you. There is more saturated fat in hydrogenated oils, also called “trans fats.” To make the oil last longer, the chemical composition of the oil has been changed. The risk of developing heart disease increases significantly when you eat trans fats. Trans fats are also thought to weaken the immune system and cause swelling throughout the body. Added nitrates and nitrites are often found in fast food, ready-to-eat foods, and lunch meats. They are associated with major health problems. These chemicals are used to keep food fresh to make it last longer, stop bacterial growth, and retain flavor.

Immediately replace these foods with healthy foods that are better for your liver. It’s easy to make healthy meals for your family that will also be good for their liver if you get creative. Instead of chips and other ready-made foods, eat fresh fruit, carrot sticks, nuts and granola that you make yourself.

  1. Vegetable juice

You’ll need a bunch of vegetables every day. If you don’t eat it, make juice. In fresh vegetable juice, you can make even vegetables you don’t like look like something else. For people whose liver isn’t working well, juice cleanse also makes vegetables easier to digest and more accessible for absorption. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are great vegetables for cleansing the liver. It may not sound like a very tasty combination, but you can add other vegetables you like, such as cucumbers, carrots, beetroot, and other green vegetables

All these vegetables help to make the pH balance of the body more balanced by reducing the amount of acid in the body. Try your best flavor combinations. You can enhance the taste of the drink by adding fresh herbs like mint, parsley, and others.

Try this orange, carrot, and ginger juice to keep your liver healthy. Fresh, organic carrots are thought to be an important part of any liver cleanse. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver. This helps the body get rid of toxins and reduces fat in the liver.

A large amount of fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system and speeds up the process of expelling toxins from the body. Ginger root has strong anti-inflammatory compounds that help soothe the digestive system and get rid of gases in the intestines. The fresh oranges in this dish not only make it spicy and sweet, but they also add a lot of vitamin C, extra vitamin A, and vitamin B6.

  1. You’re in need of potassium

Are you taking 4700 mg of potassium as much as you should every day? Most likely not. Foods rich in potassium help cleanse the liver and lower systolic blood pressure. They also lower cholesterol and support a healthy heart. If you want to avoid taking potassium supplements, try eating these healthy foods instead:
Sweet potatoes
Surprisingly, bananas are not the source of the most potassium. It’s a sweet potato. There are more than 500 milligrams of potassium in a medium-sized sweet potato. They are also high in fiber and beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes are high in calcium, iron, and vitamins B6, C, and D. Sugars are naturally sweet, but the liver releases them slowly into the bloodstream, so blood sugar doesn’t rise.

Tomato sauces
Tomato sauce, porridge, or paste have a lot more potassium and other healthy nutrients than other forms of tomatoes. Make sure that the tomato sauce, paste, or porridge you buy is made with organic tomatoes only. Organic tomatoes should be cut in half and baked face down in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, until the skin is dry. This will make your own concentrated tomato sauce. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Remove the peels and use a food processor or mixer to slowly chop them. You can strain to get rid of the seeds if you like.

Green spinach and beetroot
Beetroot greens are full of potassium and vitamins. You can make fresh vegetarian juice from beetroot and greens, chop them and add them raw to salads, or sauté them briefly like any other greens. Beetroot also cleanses the gallbladder naturally and improves bile movement. It’s easy to add fresh, organic spinach to your diet, and it’s high in potassium.

Cooked beans, lima beans, and white beans are high in fiber, protein, and potassium. These beans are high in potassium, so you can use them in place of garbanzo beans in your favorite hummus recipe. It goes well with celery and carrot sticks.

  1. Coffee
    Coffee enema can help with constipation… The enema affects only the lower part of the colon and can be done at home. During the enema, organic coffee remains in your intestines. This wakes up your body and stimulates more bile flow, which helps your gallbladder and liver work. This causes your body to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps get rid of toxins that have accumulated in your system. During liver cleansing, it is important to flush out toxins so that they do not accumulate and quickly leave the body. Take three cups of filtered or distilled water and two tablespoons of organic ground coffee and place them in a pot. Bring water to a boil. Cook gently for 15 minutes then let cool. Using gauze, strain the liquid and place it in an enema kit.
    Hold the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes, then let go. It is best to talk to your doctor before trying to make a coffee enema yourself. For the first time, you should try a coffee enema with the help of a medical professional. However, some people feel good to start the process right away. Children and women who are pregnant should generally not try this enema.
  2. Dietary supplements

Milk thistle-silymarin… Heavy metals, prescription drugs, environmental pollutants, and beverages can build up in the liver. Milk thistle can help get rid of these substances. In addition, it reduces the damage to the liver caused by drugs and radiation. According to research, the main ingredient silymarin helps the liver cell wall stay strong and helps the cells grow again in a healthy way. You can take milk thistle as a dietary supplement or make a detox tea with it to cleanse the liver.

Dandelion root… Most people don’t like dandelions because they grow in their yard every spring, but both the flower and its seeds are full of healthy nutrients. Dandelion root naturally promotes more urination, which helps your liver get rid of toxins faster. It also helps keep blood sugar levels stable, boosts the immune system, relieves heartburn, and soothes stomach problems. Another plant from the same family as dandelion that can help you detoxify is burdock root. It cleanses the blood, which helps the liver function better. Burdock and dandelion root can be taken as supplements or in the form of cleansing tea.

Turmeric… Turmeric helps maintain healthy liver cells and metabolism. Currently, experts are investigating how turmeric can help with a number of diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, depression, osteoarthritis, breast health, prostate health, and chronic pain.

Vitamins A and B, folic acid, choline, iron, copper, zinc, chromium and CoQ10 are found in large quantities in the liver of a young, healthy grass-fed cow or hen. It’s no surprise that liver is one of the healthiest things we can eat because it’s full of nutrients.

Liver cleansing drink

Mix three parts water with one part cranberry juice to make it less strong. Place 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon of ginger, and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon in a tea pot. Pour boiling water over the spices and let them brew for 20 minutes. Wait until it has cooled enough to touch. Add the juice of three oranges and three lemons and mix well. If the mixture is too acidic, add your favorite natural sugar to make it sweeter. Drink during the day…

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