How to cure depression? Try this natural remedy…

Depression is one of the great problems of modern man. While some people describe depression as “living in a black hole” or a sense of impending doom, others feel lifeless, empty and apathetic. Men in particular may feel angry and restless. However you feel the problem, if you are not treated, it can become a serious health condition. But it’s important to remember that feeling helpless and hopeless are symptoms of depressionnot the reality of your situation.

A person should get medical attention if he has symptoms of depression for more than 3 days, because the early he is diagnosed, the easier it is to cure. If this lasts more than 3 months, it has the form of acute depression and a further 6 months; it can turn into chronic depression that can take many years to heal. An important fact is that women face depression twice as fast as men; therefore, it can be more serious in women compared to men.

  1. Sad, anxious or “empty” mood. One of the obvious symptoms of depression in both men and women is separation from the people around them. Depression tends to take away happiness and lead them to extreme sadness from where they don’t even want to get out.
  2. A sense of hopelessness, pessimism.
  3. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
    4 . Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities, including sex
  4. Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling
  5. Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions…

Most people have difficulty concentrating and focusing on agoal when they are going through symptoms of depression. This is because they are more inclined to be more involved in their own world and the things that are going on in their mind. It affects their work and household activities…

Lecithin makes up as much as 30% of the brain’s weight and 73% of the fat in the liver. The name lecithin originated from the Greek word lekithos, referring to its source– egg yolk, and was discovered by the French chemist Maurice Gobley in 1850. age. LECITHIN IS A TYPE OF LIPID THAT EVERY CELL OF OUR BODY NEEDS. CELL MEMBRANES, WHICH REGULATE NUTRIENT PASSAGES INTO CELLS, ARE LARGELY COMPOSED OF LECITHIN. THE PROTECTIVE LAYER AROUND THE BRAIN IS COMPOSED OF LECITHIN, ALSO THE MUSCLES AND NERVES IN THEIR COMPOSITION HAVE A LARGE AMOUNT OF LECITHIN…

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