What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that allows them to make food from carbon dioxide and water. It’s found in all green plants, including leafy greens and other vegetables we usually eat, plus certain types of algae or bacteria. Plants and algae use chlorophyll to capture sunlight, which is necessary for photosynthesis, which is why chlorophyll is considered a “chelate”. In fact, it is considered the most important chelator found in nature, since it provides plants with energy, which then gives us energy. There are two main forms of chlorophyll found in nature: chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. There is a slight difference between the two types, basically that each absorbs sunlight at slightly different wavelengths. In chlorophyll-containing plants, there is a 3:1 ratio of colorophyll-a and colorophyll-b that both work together to reflect the dark green pigment that is visible to the human eye.
Although chlorophyll is all-natural, a similar semi-synthetic mixture called chlorophyllin is produced in laboratories and used in supplements, such as those marketed as “liquid chlorophyll”. These supplements have been around for over 50 years and are commonly used to treat skin wounds, body odor, digestive issues, and other health problems with virtually no dangers. Chlorophylline supplements are believed to help neutralize oxidants, meaning they effectively reduce oxidative damage caused by factors such as poor diet, chemical carcinogens, UV light exposure, and radiation.
Health benefits:
Helps fight cancer
Studies have found that chlorophyll and liquid chlorophyllin can bind to potential carcinogens and interfere with the way they are absorbed within the human gastrointestinal tract. This helps prevent them from circulating throughout the body and reaching sensitive tissues, such as those inside the joints or heart. The mechanism by which chlorophyll reduces the risk of developing cancer and cleanses the liver is by interfering with the metabolism of the pro-carcinogenic chemical, which must first be metabolized to damage DNA. Inside the human body, enzymes called cytochrome P450 activate procarcinogenic substances and convert them into active carcinogens, which continue to attack healthy cells. This means that inhibiting their effects can help stop the process of chemically induced cancers.
May improve liver detoxification
Another way that chlorophyll can protect healthy cells and body tissue is by increasing phase II biotransformation enzymes. They promote optimal liver health and thus the natural elimination of potentially harmful toxins in the body. Some studies show that chlorophyllin may reduce the risk of aflatoxin-induced liver damage or liver cancer by increasing the activity of these phase II enzymes and removing body toxins. Aflatoxin-B1 (AFB1) is associated with an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cancer because it is metabolized into a carcinogen that causes cell mutations. In animal studies, supplementing with chlorophyllin at the same time as consuming high amounts of the AFB1 diet significantly reduced the amount of DNA damage that developed.
Accelerates wound healing
Chlorophyllin appears to slow the rate of reproduction of harmful bacteria, making it useful for wound healing and preventing infections. Since about the 1940s, colorphylline has been added to certain ointments used to heal persistent open wounds in humans, such as vascular ulcers and pressure ulcers. It has been found to help reduce inflammation caused by injuries or wounds, promote healing, and even control odors caused by bacterial buildup.
May improve digestion and weight control
Another way chlorophyll improves detoxification is by accelerating waste elimination, balancing fluid levels, and reducing cases of constipation. In addition, preliminary research shows that chlorophyll supports metabolism and increases the likelihood that you will lose weight naturally… Research has shown that chlorophyll, taken in the form of thylakoid supplements, helped balance the release of hormones that make us feel fuller, including cholecystokinin, ghrelin, and insulin. Although previous studies have mainly looked at the effects of chlorophyll on weight loss taken by rodents, the results suggest that it could help naturally suppress food intake and prevent weight gain in humans as well.
Protects the skin
There is some evidence that chlorophyll boosts skin health due to its antiviral properties, allowing it to help stop the development of cold sores in the mouth or genital area caused by the herpes simplex virus. Some early studies have found that when an ointment or cream containing chlorophyll is applied to the skin, it helps reduce the number of sores that appear and speeds up healing time, making it a natural treatment for herpes.
Risks and side effects
Although the risk for toxicity is extremely low, chlorophyllin supplements may cause minor adverse effects such as green discoloration of urine or feces, temporary discoloration of the tongue, or mild indigestion/diarrhea. These usually disappear quickly and are only caused by the additional use of chlorophyllin, as opposed to eating foods that naturally contain chlorophyll. In pregnant women, chlorophyll or chlorophyllin supplements have not been widely studied, so at this time it is not recommended to use them during pregnancy or when breastfeeding.
One interaction to keep in mind is that certain drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitizing drugs) can interact with chlorophyll. This means that taking these medications along with chlorophyll can increase your sensitivity to sunlight even more and make you vulnerable to sunburn.
Use chlorophyll supplements carefully if you are taking photosensitive medications or are particularly prone to sunburn, blisters, or rashes when exposed to UV light.