If you drink cloves and bay leaf tea, your body will experience miraculous changes…

Bay leaf grows on a group of evergreen plants belonging to a family of plants called Lauraceae . These plants produce aromatic leaves that are used in cooking and for other purposes. Turkish laurel is the most commonly used species.

They grow on an ancient tree called Laurus nobilis , which is native to the Mediterranean region. Bay leaf provides anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects thanks to the protective compounds found in the plant. This plant contains more than 80 identified compounds, including polyphenols, eucalyptol, cineol, sabinen and linalol. Bay leaf today we use fresh, dried, powdered or as essential oil.

In ancient Greece, the prophets used bay leaf in the rites of foresight futureists, the ancient Romans believed, if your laurel withers, that a great misfortune would happen to you. Also wooden Romans used the plant for medicine and culinary purposes. Since ancient times, this plant has been used for its healing properties.

It is a spice that originates from India and has been used there for medicinal and culinary purposes for hundreds of years. It comes from a tree of the same name originating from the Maluku Islands in eastern Indonesia. The fruit is collected from flower buds, which begin to bloom after four years from the beginning of growth. Cloves have the Latin name Syzygium aromaticum. In Latin it is also called clavus, which means nail, which also resembles.

The cloves are between 12 and 16 mm in length and are the flower bud of a carnation tree. Their smell is warm, pungent and aromatic, and their taste is sweetish-tart and very strong, which is why today cloves are one of the most famous spices in the world and have a truly wide use. From India to all corners of the world,clove came through seafarers and trade trips centuries ago.

Although small, cloves are a powerful remedy for many diseases. The main ingredient of cloves is eugenol, the main feature of which is anti-inflammatory action. In addition, it contains minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. It is rich in vitamins C, B6, E, K, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. As a dietary supplement, this spice can be used whole, ground or concentrated as oil. The largest producers of cloves today are: India,Malaysia,Indonesia,Sri Lanka.Can you eat cloves? Yes, which is why in small quantities they are usually ground and added to dishes and bakery products..

First of all, this tea will improve and naturally treat upper respiratory tract infections. Sore throat, flu, colds, coughs, sinusitis… This tea supports the health of the heart and blood vessels. Naturally reduces the risk of blood clots, atrerosclerosis, high blood pressure… You prevent heart attacks and strokes, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis…

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