IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) : Health Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

What is Ip6?

Originally found in seeds in 1855, IP6 was called “Phytin”, it is also known as “phytic acid”. It has been found to have naturally high levels of calcium (15%) and magnesium (5%), which balances any loss through the chelation of minerals in our body. Although it is now known that IP6 is beneficial in many different ways and can treat and help many common diseases, its main application is to help reduce harmful cell proliferation naturally. Among fiber-rich foods such as beans, brown rice, corn, sesame seeds, wheat bran, IP6 is the molecule present in them. It is converted into molecules that our bodies use to deliver beneficial signals to the nuclei of cells. Inositol hexaphosphate also supports the absorption of calcium and other minerals in the body, thus preserving strong and healthy bones. IP6 inositol hexaphosphate plays a significant role in the treatment of cancer. IP6, also acts on iron binding. Iron plays the role of a booster and helper in the development of cancer cells, which is why IP6 is considered a very successful preparation in the treatment of cancer.

How does IP6 work against cancer?

There is a gene that protects against cancer known as p53. This gene was discovered at the University of Colorado while observing the DNA of cancer cells. These DNA sequences have been found to lack the P53 gene, and IP6 has also been found to induce the expression of genes that protect the cell from possible tumor formation, including this gene. IP6 is also required for DNA repair. Damaged DNA can cause the development of cancer, and repairing it is essential for cancer prevention. Our immune cells, known as killer cells, find and kill cancer cells that appear in the body. IP6 increases the number of natural killer cells during stressful situations like cancer or the use of some harmful drugs like chemotherapy. This preparation improves the body’s ability to fight cancer.

Cancer and IP6

The problem with cancer cells is that they have uncontrolled division and do not die like normal cells. Programmed cell death is vital for human survival, as this process ensures the renewal by death of old cells and the division of new healthy cells in the body. However, cancer cells overcome this process, better known as apoptosis. IP6 can normalize the functioning of cancer cells by initially inducing them into apoptosis. IP6 reduces the formation of new blood vessels whose development begins with a cancerous mass. In this way, the cancer provides sufficient amounts of nutrients for further survival. IP6 binds free iron and reduces its levels in the blood, and as mentioned, hemochromatosis helps in the formation of cancer. Cancer cells spread by binding to proteins present in other cells. IP6 prevents this propagation process. Chronic inflammation can be a precursor to cancer in many cases. IP6 fights inflammation by reducing the number of cytokines, which are substances necessary for inflammation. Free radicals are solitary atoms that have a very harmful effect on cells and their DNA. IP6 acts as an antioxidant, which means it neutralizes free radicals and prevents them from damaging cells.

Main Health Benefits of IP6 Dietary Supplements

Many disorders in the body are treated and avoided with inositol hexaphosphate; Among them are:
strengthens immunity
helps reduce cholesterol.
prevents the formation of kidney stones
Promotes and maintains normal glucose metabolism; reduces complications of diabetes; Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack
Treat post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, polycystic ovary syndrome, and panic disorders.

IP6 and myo-inositol are not the same thing.

Inositol is found in nature in various isomers, but it only acts as myo-inositol. This means that inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) is avoided. If the label indicates myo-inositol or just “inositol”, you can be sure that you have the right product. Inositols are pseudovitamins, which means that the body does not necessarily have to survive them, but they can have strong functions in the body’s metabolism. Inositol was once considered a b-vitamin, but due to its pseudovitamin status, it has been removed from this categorization.

Inositol and PCOS

The most researched beneficial properties of inositol are in the field of female fertility, especially for restoring insulin sensitivity and consequently type 2 diabetes, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Due to its combined action, it is recommended as an extremely good supplement against PCOS in women.

Inositol can also reduce PMS.

Some also refer to inositol as a general supplement for women’s health.

Inositol and fertility

According to research, inositol significantly improves the fertility of women. Especially in combination with melatonin and methylfolate, it improves the quality of oocytes in infertile women.

Inositol and excessive hairiness (hirsutism)

Excessive hair growth in women is generally caused by high androgenic hormones, which is the basis of the diagnosis of PCOS. Inositol can thus help with excessive hair, especially hair on the face and hands.

Inositol and diabetes

Inositol is extremely effective against type 2 diabetes, especially in women. All those who have insulin resistance have excessive excretion of inositol metabolites in the urine. As a result, most people with diabetes have a lack of inositol in the body if they don’t replace it.

Inositol and depression

Inositol also shows strong promise as an antidepressant, although its effects are even more pronounced against anxiety and reduce panic attacks. It can also help with related problems such as overeating. Unfortunately, it has not been shown to be effective in schizophrenia, autism, or PTSD.

Inositol and sleep

Most likely due to its anxiety effects, inositol is great for improving sleep quality. Inositol has also been shown to be partially effective for acne, lung tumors, high levels of ammonia, beta amyloid plaques (Alzheimer’s dementia), and weight loss.


Various elements including the age of the user, health, and various other illnesses determine the appropriate dosage of IP-6. Currently, there is insufficient scientific data to establish an appropriate dosage range for IP-6. Remember that dosages are really significant and natural products are not always absolutely safe. Before use, be sure to follow the relevant recommendations on product labels and visit your pharmacist or doctor or other health professional. One vitamin-like chemical is IP-6, inositol hexaphosphate.

IP6 Inositol HexaphosphatePatients who used 8 grams of IP6 daily for three and four weeks saw tumor suppression. These findings have been confirmed by many scientists around the world as it is further proof that people who eat foods rich in IP6 have a lower incidence of cancer.

When IP6 is consumed in the diet, it is bound to a protein from which it needs to be released in order to work. This process is performed by enzymes that can also destroy IP6, so large amounts of IP6 need to be ingested through food to take effect. However, when IP6 is taken as a supplement, whether it is in free form or bound to proteins, it is better absorbed and works much better. Due to the many proven benefits of ongoing research, IP6 has been recognized as an additive and drug that actively influences cancer treatment. Having proven its potential, it is prescribed to many doctors of classical medicine as an adjunct to chemotherapy drugs.

For more information on natural cancer remedies, check out my videos…

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