Baking soda and apple cider vinegar are two natural heroes that have reigned in the world of health for centuries. And while their benefits go far beyond hair care, these two ingredients can be the secret weapon to achieve healthy, shiny and lush hair.
Baking soda: Natural exfoliator and neutralizer
Baking soda is a natural mineral that acts as a mild abrasive, removing dirt, grease and residues of styling products from hair and scalp. It also acts as a neutralizer, helping to balance the pH level of the scalp. Hair naturally has a slightly sour environment, but excessive use of hair care products and environmental factors can upset that balance. Baking soda neutralizes excessive acidity, creating a healthier environment for hair growth.
Apple cider vinegar: A great story for humidity and balance
Apple cider vinegar is fermented apple juice rich in nutrients such as acetonic acid and vitamen B. This liquid acts as a natural conditioner, helping to close the cuticle of the hair and create shine. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can reduce itching and irritation of the scalp. Moreover, apple cider vinegar can help remove dead cells from the skin and allow better absorption of nutrients from natural hair treatments.
How do baking soda and apple cider vinegar work together?
The combination of baking soda and apple cider vinegar creates a synergistic effect to improve hair health. Baking soda cleanses the scalp and neutralizes acid, while apple cider vinegar acts as a natural conditioner and antiseptic. This joint action can result in:
Smanjenjem prljavosti i masnoće: Soda bikarbona uklanja nakupljene nečistoće, čime kosa ostaje duže čista i svježa. Zbogom prhuti: Antibakterijsko i antifungalno djelovanje jabukovog octa može smanjiti prhutu i svrabež vlasišta. Zdravi rast kose: Balansiran pH vlasišta stvoren sodom bikarbonom može poboljšati zdravlje vlasišta i stimulirati rast kose. Sjajna i zdrava kosa: Jabukov ocat zatvara kutikulu kose, čineći je sjajnijom i manje sklonu lomljenju.
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