Miraculous oil removes wrinkles,psoriasis,eczema,dermatitis…

There is one remarkable oil for the treatment of skin diseases. Now, my dear viewers, you will be very surprised… And before I tell you about this, know that everything can be bought very easily in health food stores.

Emu oil is taken from the fat of emu, a bird native to Australia that resembles an ostrich and predominantly encompasses fatty acids. Thousands of years ago, the natives of Australia were the first to use emu fat and oil to treat skin infections. When used topically and orally, emu oil is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a number of health problems, including muscle pain, migraines, and skin conditions.

The therapeutic qualities of emu oil come from unsaturated fatty acids, which accounts for about 70 percent of its composition. Studies suggest that the combination of omega-9, 6 and 3 fatty acids leads to anti-inflammatory and other beneficial effects of emu oil. The oil contains vitamins E and A, which contribute to its ability to heal the skin and reduce inflammation. The first step in treating skin diseases is to buy pure emu oil… You can apply it on the skin.

1. Helps lower cholesterol

Emu oil contains healthy fatty acids that can help control healthy cholesterol in the body. Although research on emu oil is limited, there is clear evidence that essential fatty acids have cholesterol-lowering effects.

2. Reduces inflammation and pain

Emu oil acts as an anti-inflammatory and painkiller, helps relieve muscle and joint pain, and improves the recovery of wounds or damaged skin. Thanks in part to polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, this oil has been shown to help fight inflammation. Because it has the ability to reduce swelling and pain.

3. Fights infections and strengthens the immune system

Essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins within emu oil help prevent or treat infections when applied topically. It also has bacteriostatic properties, which gives it the ability to stop the reproduction of bacteria.

4. Benefits of the gastrointestinal system

Study from 2012. In 2001, she mentioned the previously tested therapeutic activity of emu oil on the gastrointestinal tracts of mice. The researchers found that he showed partial protection against chemotherapy-induced mucositis, painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane lining the digestive tract.

5. Improves the skin

Emu oil is easily absorbed into the skin because it contains fatty lipids that are similar to those found in the upper layer of the skin. The oil is also able to break through the skin barrier and penetrate deep within the surface, allowing it to act as a powerful moisturizer. It can be used to smooth rough elbows, knees and heels; soften your hands; and reduce itching and scalyness from dry skin.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties of emu oil, it has the power to reduce swelling and numerous skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema. It also promotes the regeneration and circulation of skin cells, so it can help those suffering from thinning of the skin or bed sores – plus it helps reduce the appearance of scars,burns,stretch marks…

Researchers in China have investigated the effects of topical application of emu oil on wound healing in burned rats. They found that it has anti-inflammatory effects, possibly in combination with reduced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in tissues, and can promote wound healing by inhibiting local inflammation. After applying emu oil, the swelling and outburst burns were alleviated, and there was no evidence of wound infection or adverse effects.

6. Relieves pain from breastfeeding

Topical application of emu oil can alleviate the painful, dry and cracked nipples that mothers experience when they start breastfeeding. 2016 study. published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that applying emu oil to the areola is effective in mitigating damage caused by breastfeeding.

7. Promotes healthy hair and nails

The antioxidants present in emu oil promote healthy hair and nails. Vitamin e helps reverse damage to the hair environment and stimulate scalp circulation. Emu oil can be used for hair to add moisture and stimulate hair growth.

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