Parasites in the body: the first symptoms ,natural treatment


If you think you might have a parasitic disease, there is a natural way to treat it. This is what we call parasite cleansing. With global travel over time, parasitic infections have become more widespread. Nowadays, a number of parasites can compromise the intestinal tract and cause a number of digestive problems including constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn, as well as fatigue and chills. A diet without foods that can feed parasites (such as sugar and wheat) and increasing the consumption of foods that are antiparasitic, such foods rich in antioxidants represent a cleansing from parasites. While you’re on a parasite cleanse, supplements could also be beneficial for boosting your immune and gastrointestinal systems.

Living on or in a host, the parasite consumes food from or at the expense of its host. In other words, the parasite survives using the resources of the person it lives in—including exactly the food that person eats. What’s worse, people can get sick with parasites. Some disorders caused by these organisms are difficult to treat; others can be easily treated. Protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites are the three basic types of parasites that can affect humans. Among some somewhat serious parasitic disorders are babesiosis, malaria and filariasis.

How can you get a parasite?

Usually obtained from the consumption of contaminated food or water, parasites may also be more likely in people with an unbalanced gut flora, leaky gut syndrome, or compromised immune systems. Others can also be transmitted to humans by animals such as cows and pigs infected with parasites such as Cryptosporidium or Trichinella, or through mosquito bites or sandflies. Eating pork – especially uncooked or undercooked – can be a source of parasites. Since pigs are usually kept in poor conditions, pork can have worms and parasites; So, if you routinely eat this type of meat, you run the risk of becoming carriers of one of them. Other undercooked meats and seafood products can potentially spread dangerous bacteria, including beef, shrimp, and crabs.

Another possible source is international travel. If you live in the United States or Europe but have ever visited another nation like China, India, Africa, or Mexico, you run the risk of picking up the parasite if you eat the kitchen and drink the local water. Contaminated water includes not only drinking water, but also water from swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers or oceans. In addition to taking food and drinks with caution while traveling, good cleanliness and hygiene are also key in avoiding parasites and related diseases.

Diet to get rid of parasites

If you have discovered that you have a parasite, you are most likely looking for the best parasite cleaner to help you recover. While another key component is boosting with herbal remedies, part of the healing process is following a diet to cleanse it of parasites. Here are diet ideas to cleanse yourself of parasites, as well as some helpful tips and recommendations for supplements that would help eradicate worms and parasites from your system.

Natural remedies to get rid of parasites

You’ll want to use natural parasite remedies to boost the parasite kill. Paracomplete, a parasite cleansing supplement with thyme leaf, beberin sulfate – something you can occasionally find in coconut and can kill – oregano, grapefruit seed extract and uva ursi leaf is one such product. Using the tablets available in the form of a tincture, you can also conveniently come up with your own recipe for cleansing from parasites. These are black walnut, wormwood, olive leaf and garlic.

Here are the best herbal supplements for self-cleaning from parasites:

Historically, black walnut (250 mg 3x a day) has been used to treat parasites.
Wormwood (200 milligrams three times a day) has an antiparasitic effect.
500 mg 4x daily oregano oil has antiparasitic and antibacterial properties.
Grapefruit seed extract has proven antibacterial activity against a wide range of pathogens.
Clove oil (500 milligrams 4x a day or 4 cups of tea) has high levels of eugenol, a chemical known to help kill dangerous germs.

Most experts advise to undertake a two-week cleansing from parasites, follow the following supplementation regimen, and then take a week off. Return to the plan for another two weeks after a one-week break. Just like taking supplements, your treatment depends significantly on the program itself. To maximize the outcomes of the plan, try to follow its timing.

Antiparasitic diet

By attacking the toxic bacteria and fungi that these parasites live on, a clean anti-parasite diet helps eliminate the dangerous organisms that exist in your digestive tract. A sugar-free and grain-free diet is part of this type of cleansing, very close to the paleo diet. I advise either not to eat fruit at all or to limit your fruit intake. So, instead of a berry smoothie, sip on a coconut smoothie that includes coconut milk, chia seeds, and protein powder. Stay completely away from any type of carbs or sugar, including fruit, make a large salad for lunch, and prepare organic meats and double the vegetables for dinner.

In addition to pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin seeds are another food that can be quite therapeutic while your GI system fights dangerous pathogens. Because they contain some antioxidants and other preventive elements, including tetracyclic triterpenes and cucurbitins, which can paralyze worms and make it difficult for them to survive in the walls of the intestine, pumpkin seeds improve digestive health.

Due to their sulfur and antioxidant compounds, which are capable of eradicating pathogenic organisms, garlic and onions have immune-boosting properties with an antiparasitic effect.
Certain herbs, such as oregano and ginger, may have antibacterial and antiparasitic properties as they help increase stomach acid production, killing parasites and stopping infections.
Pineapple, papaya, and their juices contain chemicals that can help reduce the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to worsening of colonitis. Their drinks could potentially have antiparasitic properties consistent with juice cleansing.
Coconut oil is rich in antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Foods rich in probiotics: Consuming kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt will help heal the intestines and help control the number of parasites.
Apple cider vinegar can generally aid digestion and restore normal pH balance.
Other fresh vegetables are rich in preventive elements that support intestinal health and include fiber that promotes regular bowel movements.

You want to stay away from these foods:

Added sugar can worsen inflammation and feed the destructive gut flora.
Processed foods could be difficult to break down and do not support the strength of the immune system.
Alcohol – It does not allow the immune system to function properly.
Wheat: Many wheats, especially those rich in gluten, can quickly break down into sugar and irritate the intestines.
Pork: Parasites can be found in it.

Should you see a doctor?

If you think you might have parasites, it is advised to always see a doctor – such as a gastroenterologist – to get tested. Your doctor may examine your stool more closely or look for indicators of inflammation to determine what’s going on in your gastrointestinal tract. This diagnosis may require a colonoscopy or endoscopy, a faecal (stool) test, blood tests, X-rays, or occasionally an MRI. At home, you can also do stool sample tests by looking for eggs in the stool to potentially identify parasites. You can try to fix the problem yourself by using the measures above, or you can bring these findings to your doctor to learn more about possible treatment choices. Ideally both.

Risks and side effects

Depending on the type of parasite and the sick person, the symptoms they bring can be minor to quite severe. If you have a weakened immune system or other gastrointestinal diseases, you will most likely suffer from severe illness when you come into contact with the parasite; Therefore, it is always advisable to seek professional care if this applies to you. Following the schedule of cleaning from parasites, what adverse effects can you encounter? You may feel exhausted or have stomach problems for several weeks while you are being treated.

If you lose your appetite, have diarrhea and find it difficult to eat or drink, fatigue is somewhat typical. To maintain energy, continue to drink fluids and try to eat smaller meals consistently. If you are taking any prescription medications, be careful when treating parasites because not all of the herbal remedies listed above are healthy for every person. If you take medication daily, you should first consult your doctor about the vitamins listed above. Children should not be given these tablets either; Avoid using them if you are pregnant or breastfeeding because their safety is not fully known.

For more information on parasites and natural remedies, see my videos…

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