Parasites in the intestines: symptoms, causes, natural treatment

What are parasites?

Parasites are entities that exist in, on, or with another organism (host). Their feeding behavior, growth, or reproduction threatens their host. Still, they need their host if they want to survive. Therefore, they almost do not cause harm to their host, although they can carry deadly diseases. Parasites feed, multiply in a way that threatens your body.

There are three forms of parasites: what are they? The three primary forms of parasites that affect humans are:


An ectoparasite is a parasite that exists outside (the exterior) of its host. Usually transmitting infections through blood, they are vectors — living things between animals and humans — that transmit diseases. Many species that doctors refer to as vectors consume your blood. They usually consist of:

Fleas. Powerful hind legs allow fleas, tiny insects without wings, to jump long distances. When fleas bite their host or if the host inadvertently eats an infected flea, they can cause illness.
Pubic ears, or shrimps. Small flat insects, lice move crawling. On your head, lice call hair. In your pubic hair, near the genitals, live pubic lice. Both types of lice spread from one person to another through close contact, which can include sexual activity or sharing personal items such as towels, pillows, or bedding.
Mites, compared to spiders and ticks, are tiny arachnids (arthropods with eight legs). Less than one millimeter (0.04 inches), they roughly correspond to the height of a pile of ten sheets of paper. Some species can lead to scabies.
Snowshoes. Their bites usually do not cause itching or discomfort. They usually bite you and then dig into your flesh. They abound in grassy meadows and wooded areas.


Usually present in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, helminths are parasitic worms. Including your stomach, small intestine, and colon, your GI tract is a series of hollow organs that connect from your mouth to your anus. In their adult form, helminths are visible to the naked eye; They have a range of more than one millimeter to more than one meter.

Primary helminths that affect humans fall into two categories:

Flukes.One form of flatworms is flukes. They can breed among aquatic life, including snails, crustaceans, and fish from polluted water. Many different types of flukes can affect your blood, bladder, liver, lungs, intestines, other organs, etc.
Tapeworms, flat worms that inhabit the intestines, are adult tapeworms. They consume the nutrients that their host gets from food. They scattered with eggs laid in the body of their host. When the host poops, the eggs then leave her body. Eggs find their way into undercooked meat or contaminated food and drink.
Nematodes, roundworms. Small parasites called roundworms call your intestines home. They started in contaminated soil or droppings. Roundworms come in several varieties.


Unicellular creatures are protozoic life forms. Without a microscope, they cannot be seen. They could call your intestines or blood and tissues home. They can be transmitted through contact from a person to —- or through a vector bite, contaminated food or drink. The variety of protozoa consists of tens of thousands of varieties. Their movement helps experts classify them. The primary influences of humans consist of:
Amoebas. To move, amoebas create temporary “false feet” or pseudopods. The amoeba Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica) causes dysentery.
Ciliates move and obtain food using many short hair-like structures. The only ciliate that affects humans is Balantidium coli or B. coli. This causes dysentery.
Whips… In order to move and discover their environment, flagella — one or more flagellum-like structures — have Trypnosoma brucei that cause sleeping sickness; The flagellum Giardia intestinalis causes giardiasis.
Sporozoani. Adult sporozoa individuals cannot move. They consume food that their host breaks down or their host’s body fluids. Malaria is brought by the sporozoan Plasmoneium; Cryptosporidium causes cryptosporidiosis.


What are the symptoms of parasite infection?

Common parasites and parasitic diseases are affected by them by millions of individuals. Many people with limited symptoms could not be aware that they had the disease. Others may have serious illnesses. Given the variety of parasites, their symptoms will differ. Typical symptoms of parasites may consist of:
Nausea and vomiting
Pain in the abdomen.
Weight loss without explanation.
Strong appetite
Muscle pain
Insomnia, or sleep problems.
Chronic fatigue and weakness
Skin rash

What foods lead to parasite infection?

Typical dietary sources of parasites are:
Raw or undercooked meat—including fish—in general
Raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables.
Raw watercress and other aquatic vegetation.
Milk and juices unpasteurized.

In what ways can parasites be acquired?

Typical causes of parasite disease are:

Spending time in environments known to contain parasites.
Food, contaminated water, soil, blood, or feces (bullshit).
Do not wash your hands before eating or drinking.
Bathing in contaminated water.
Transmission through animals
A sexual interaction.


Natural treatment for parasite infection

Black walnut

The black walnut (Juglans nigra), also known as the American walnut, is a large species of hardwood in the Juglandacea family and is native to eastern North America before spreading west toward California. With a height that reaches up to 100 feet and deep roots as long as 10 feet, it contributes to the stability and support of the black walnut tree but makes it difficult to absorb water. This is the reason why black walnut can be found in areas with intermittent rainfall or near stream beds. The leaves are lance-shaped, light green, and a few inches long. The bark is black, deeply furrowed, thick and reveals a dark base when scraped. The tree is native to the Himalayas, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, and has been cultivated in Europe as early as 100. years BEFORE Christ. The black walnut tree has also been used throughout history to relieve fever and treat kidney disease, gastrointestinal problems, ulcers, toothache, snake bites, and syphilis. Recent studies have shown that black walnut shells contain chemicals that inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi and may be useful in controlling dermal, mucosal, and oral infections in humans.

Health benefits

  1. Removes parasites

One of the key active components of black walnut shell is juglone. Juglone exerts its effect by inhibiting certain enzymes necessary for metabolic function. It is highly toxic to many herbivorous insects – organic gardeners often use it as a natural pesticide – and researchers have noted that black walnut can drive parasitic worms out of the body.

  1. Promotes healthy skin
    The tannins in black walnut have an astringent effect, which is used to tighten the epidermis, mucous membranes and relieve irritation. Dermatological applications associated with black walnut include viral warts, eczema, acne, psoriasis, xerosis, tinea pedis, and poison ivy.
  2. Improves cardiovascular health

Black walnuts are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and 100 grams of walnuts contain 3.3 grams of ALA. (4) Walnuts are an excellent staple on the Mediterranean diet food list, a diet that is considered healthy in reducing the mortality rate from coronary artery disease, which is low in the Mediterranean population. Recent epidemiological studies show that frequent consumption of walnuts may have protective effects against coronary heart disease due to its promising effects on blood lipid profiles. In clinical studies, a nut-supplemented diet reduced serum concentrations of low-density lipoprotein and cholesterol. Other potential protective ingredients include high amounts of magnesium, vitamin E, protein, dietary fiber, potassium, and alpha-linolenic acid.

  1. It has antifungal and antimicrobial activity
    The juice of unripe black walnut shells has been used in folk medicine for years as a remedy for local, localized dermatophytic fungal infections, such as lichen. These fungal infections usually affect corneal tissues, such as hair, skin, and nails. Such infections can be chronic and resistant to treatment, but rarely affect the general health of the patient. It is assumed that the biological activity of the black walnut shell is due to naphthoquinone, juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4 naphthoquinones). The antifungal activity of juglone has also been compared with other known antifungal agents, such as griseofulvin, clotrimazole, tolnaftate, triacetin, zinc undecylenate, selenium sulfide, liriodenine and liriodenine methionine.

In addition, black walnut is also used for chronic constipation, intestinal toxemia, blockage of the portal, hemorrhoids and giardia. Derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone have been of great clinical interest since these compounds exhibit potent activity as antibacterial and antifungal agents. A number of 50 naphthoquinone derivatives were synthesized and their antibacterial and antifungal properties were evaluated, with the highest activity against S. aureus and candida symptoms and moderate activity against gram-positive and acid-resistant bacteria.

Another study found that juglone can potentially inhibit three key enzymes of Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium that causes several human gastrointestinal diseases. Several species of algae, including Anabaena variabilis and Anabaena flos-aquae, are also significantly inhibited by juglone.

  1. Helps protect against cancer

Quinones are associated with anticancer activity. Juglone is a quinone found in the leaves, roots, and bark of black walnut trees. The exocarp of unripe green fruits, bark and branches has been used in China to treat liver, lung and stomach cancers. Juglone blocks potassium channels, promotes the formation of hydrogen peroxide, and inhibits transcription in cancer cells.

The first clear symptoms of parasites in the body and how to remove them in a natural way (video)

How to use and cook

The vast majority of store-bought walnuts are English walnuts, which break more easily and are larger than black walnuts. In some places, black walnut can be purchased in stores or in a reputable online store. The flesh in black walnut is much finer and more difficult to remove from the shell compared to other walnuts. For this, black walnuts are crushed. One of the reasons people would leave black walnut alone is that it is literally a hard nut to crack. In addition to using a peeler, people find other ways to break the shell, such as a hammer or stone. After the nuts are peeled, they must be dried for several weeks before eating. A rule of thumb is to leave them on until you hear the rattle of the nut when you shake it.

If you live in one of the states where black walnuts grow, they can be purchased at the local market. These nuts can be stored for a year in the refrigerator and up to two years in the freezer. If you live in an area where there are no black walnut trees, it is easy enough to find black walnuts under the Hammons label in supermarket chains during the fall season. At other times of the year, black walnuts can be found under the private labels of stores or other countries. To get rid of parasites you have to buy tablets, capsules, tinctures, black walnut teas.

For more information about parasites: symptoms, natural treatment… Check out my videos!
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