Tea that removes parasites from the body forever!

Today I will give you tea for the natural treatment of parasites in the body. A parasite is an organism that lives on or in the host and receives food from or at the expense of its host. In other words, the parasite uses the resources of the person in which it lives, such as the very food that person eats, to survive. Yes, it’s not pleasant. We now know that various parasites can infect the intestinal tract, leading to various digestive symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn, as well as fatigue and chills.

Parasites are generally acquired by consuming contaminated food or water, but people with unbalanced intestinal flora, bowel leaksyndrome or weakened immune systems may be more sensitive. Some can also be transmitted by mosquito bites or sand flies, or transmitted to humans from animals such as cows and pigs that are infected with parasites like Cryptosporidium or Trichinella.

There is one excellent plant that will remove parasites from the body and is called WORMWOOD,Artemisia absinthium is a fragrant, perennial belonging to the family Asteraceae or Compositae, better known as the daisy family. This artemisia plant releases an aromatic smell and has a spicy, bitter taste. The wormwood plant is native to Europe and parts of Africa and Asia. Today, it also grows wild in the U.S., most often along roads or trails.
Wormwood can be used either fresh or dried. All aerial parts (stems, leaves and flowers) of the plant have medicinal uses, and wormwood tea is usually consumed for a number of diseases.
Essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flower tips by steam distillation. One study of Artemisia absinthium essential oil found that it contained at least 28 components representing 93.3 percent of the oil. Wormwood in its composition has a whole range of chemical components essential for our health. Biologically active compounds of wormwood include: acetylene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), azulenes, carotenoids, lignins, phenolic acids, tannins…
Wormwood is used in various forms… tablets, extracts, teas. Artemisinin is an extract isolated from the plant Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood. Artemisinin is an herbal remedy that is the most powerful antimalarial on the market. It is known for its rapid reduction in the number of parasites in the blood of malaria patients. Wormwood has an extraordinary effect on digestive diseases such as Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis… and similar diseases.

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