Tea to get rid of parasites naturally: drink only 1 cup a day!


Today I’m going to tell you about the clear symptoms that you have parasites in your body and I’m going to recommend one of the best-researched natural remedies to get rid of parasites.

How do you know if you have parasites in your body? The first clear symptoms are digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating… Pain and cramps in the stomach are common. Dehydration, involuntary weight loss and swollen lymph nodes are common symptoms of parasites in the body. Parasites can cause insomnia, and brain problems! What’s that mean? First of all, brain fog, lack of concentration, focus… Certain parasites can cause constant hunger or anemia. One of the dangerous symptoms are allergic reactions, redness and itching of the skin…

Parasites enter the body most often as a result of the bite or bite of an infected carrier or by spreading through the blood of an infected person (blood transfusion or use of the same contaminated needles).Often you drink or eat the parasite. People often become infected with the parasite while traveling to foreign, less developed countries.

Sugars, processed foods, meat, unhealthy fats… They feed the parasites and they grow more and more in the body. In short, if you eat bad foods, you will never get rid of this problem. Expect muscle pain, and chronic fatigue! People with parasite infection are much more likely to fall into stress, depression or anxiety. Serious neurological symptoms in case of passage of parasites into the central nervous system: are the appearance of tics, slowed speech, loss of coordination, epileptic seizures, coma….Worm infection can cause itching around the anus.

Women who are infected with worms most often have itching and pain in the genital area and the urinary tract area, which can also lead to pelvic inflammation. People infected with the Ascaris worm may have difficulty breathing, especially if the parasite attacks the lungs. They may also feel pain when breathing deeply and have difficulty breathing when doing physical activity.

Artemisia absynthium or real wormwood is one of the most bitter plants and substances known to man. Describing the term bitter often comes with the phrase “like wormwood”. Wormwood is a perennial plant with a reddish-brown stem overgrown with gray hairs and small leaves of silver-gray color. For health purposes, dried flowers and leaves are used, which contain many active substances such as plant tannins. Due to their special structure, the leaves do not rot and therefore can be used in antiseptic products. Wormwood essential oil consists of at least 28 components, the main of which are beta-pinene and beta-thujone. Thujone is considered a toxic component of wormwood.

Tea from this gray-green plant is used to treat rheumatism, gout and intestinal parasites, especially the parasite that causes giardiasis (Giardia lamblia). It is also a traditional remedy for stomach diseases and for improving appetite. You can also drink it when you are recovering from a cold or flu because it is considered an invigorating drink.

Studies have shown that wormwood helps fight intestinal bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella. But not only does wormwood destroy bad bacteria, it also has an effect on fungi. This is especially true for the fungus Candida albicans, the most common type of fungal infection in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina. Studies have shown that they also help people who have Crohn’s disease.

Wormwood is best known to us as an ingredient in alcoholic beverages, herbal liqueurs and absinthe. Absinthe is a liqueur made from wormwood, anise and fennel and was initially used as a remedy for dysentery and malaria. In addition to those already mentioned, scientific research shows that wormwood also has anticancer properties and can be used to treat anorexia, insomnia, anemia, bloating and jaundice.

What is most important for today’s show,wormwood possesses strong antiparasitic properties.Wormwood tea recipe. In 250 ml of boiling water, add 1 small spoonful of dry wormwood leaves and 2 small star anise. Cover the pan and let it rest for about 5-7 minutes. Now strain the tea and drink it….Drink it for 7-14 days in a row, maximum. Excessive use is not recommended… As the tea is very bitter, you can make it with mint tea and you can add 1 small spoonful of honey… It is best to drink tea after meals, as it will be easier to absorb and digest than on an empty stomach.

In addition to wormwood tea, I will recommend you to use grapefruit seed extract and probitoxa. Do not take this plant in any form if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, avoid it if you are allergic to other plants in the gobies family, such as ragweed. Wormwood allergy is most evident in the period from June to November. Avoid wormwood even if you have porphyria. It is a group of disorders that result from the accumulation of natural substances that produce porphyrin in your body. If you have epilepsy or any other disorder that manifests itself in seizures, consult your doctor before using this herb. Wormwood can reduce the effectiveness of anticonvulsants, medications commonly used to prevent seizures. It is also not recommended for people suffering from kidney disease.

Wormwood is commercially available in health food stores as an essential oil, as well as in the form of capsules, tablets, tincture and liquid extract. It can also be used in fresh or dried form for infusion or tea.

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