The first symptoms of lung cancer

Please follow today’s show carefully. Today I’m going to talk about the symptoms of lung cancer. This is the most common cancer in men. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in both men and women. Most often it occurs between 55. and 65. it affects 1 in 1,000 people. Most lung cancers (83%) are associated with smoking. The number of cigarettes per day and the early age at which one starts smokingincrease the risk of lung cancer.
Passive smoking has also been shown to increase the risk. High levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos exposure can also increase the risk. Your lungs are two sponge-like organs in your chest. The right lung has 3 parts, called lobes. The left lung has 2 lobes. The left lung is smaller because the heart takes up more space on that side of the body. When you inhale, air enters through the mouth or nose and enters the lungs through the trachea (trachea).

The trachea is divided into tubes called bronchi, which enter the lungs and divide into smaller bronchi. They are divided into smaller branches called bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles are tiny air sacs known as alveoli. Lung cancer most often begins most often in the bronchi and bronchi. The thin layer of the lining of the lungs is called pleura. It protects the pneumonia and allows the lungs to move forward backwards. On the underside of the lung sits the diaphragm.

The diaphragm or sharp, a dome-shaped muscle at the base of the lungs, between the chest and abdomen, plays an important role in breathing even though we are not even aware of it. When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts and pushes downwards. Thus, it creates more space in the thoracic cavity, which allows the lungs to fully expand. When we exhale, the reverse happens, the diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards. In order to breathe with full lungs, it is necessary to learn to use the diaphragm. So, the greatest danger are people over 55-60 years of age and people who smoke regularly.

First of all you will have a chronic cough. People with lung cancer often have bloody sputum and wheezing. You can expect chest pain, loss of appetite and loss… Speech difficulties and difficulties are expected problems…

People with lung cancer often have abnormally dark or light skin. Bad, cracked nails, muscular atrophy, swelling and joint pain, hoarseness and change of voice are common symptoms… Fever, swelling and paralysis of the face, lowering of the eyelids…

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