Hemorrhoids are painful and swollen blood vessels around the anus. They can be external and internal. Symptoms develop when blood vessels in the rectum or anal canal swell. This swelling is usually due to increased pressure when straining during bowel movements or actions that increase pressure in the area between the anus and genitals, such as childbirth and lifting a heavy load. Internal hemorrhoids are located in the inner mucosa of the anus and lower rectum. External hemorrhoids are covered with skin around the anus.
The word hemorrhoid comes from the Greek word “hemo” meaning “blood” and “rrhoos” meaning “ejection”. They look very similar to varicose veins. Swelling, losing elasticity and the result is cracking and bleeding, accompanied by pain, swelling and other discomfort…
What are the known causes and risk factors for hemorrhoids?
These are:
-long sitting on the toilet
-chronic constipation or diarrhea
-low-fiber diet
Older years of life
Lifting heavy objects