Varicose veins prevention, symptoms and natural treatment

Tens of millions of people around the world have varicose veins, and many people have a family history of the condition. These veins are more than just an aesthetic problem; They can indicate circulatory problems, and in rare cases, they can lead to complications such as ulcers and blood clots.

What are varicose veins?

Inside your veins are tiny one-way valves that open to allow blood to pass through and then form to prevent blood from flowing backwards. Sometimes the walls of the veins stretch and lose their elasticity, causing the valves to weaken. If the valves are not working properly, it can cause blood leakage and reverse flow. If this happens, blood collects in your veins, which become swollen and enlarged. Your veins are an important part of the circulatory system that carries blood to your heart. In people with varicose veins, the one-way valves designed to keep blood flowing to the heart become weak or damaged, causing blood to return and pool in the veins. This causes the characteristic swelling that varicose veins are known for. Although any vein can become varicose, you are more likely to develop them in your legs.

Risk factors for varicose veins

Certain factors increase the risk of developing varicose veins, such as pregnancy. Your chances of varicose veins also increase if you have any of the following risk factors:

Family history: Almost 50% of people with varicose veins have a family history of the condition. If you have family members with varicose veins, you are more likely to develop them too.
Overweight or obese: If you are overweight you put pressure on your veins … causing them to weaken and increase the chances of developing varicose veins.
Sitting or standing for a long time: Staying in the same position for too long increases the pressure on the veins, and the blood does not flow as when you move. Over time, this pressure can cause the valves to weaken and varicose veins to form.
Age: As you age, the valves that control blood flow can naturally become weak, paving the way for varicose veins.
Damaged veins: Any damage to the veins from other conditions can increase the risk of developing varicose veins.
Some of the other risk factors are menopause, sedentary lifestyle, history of blood clots, tumors, abnormalities of blood vessels.

Early warning signs and symptoms

Before varicose veins form, you may notice some symptoms that hint at vein problems.

Swollen feet
If your feet and ankles swell after a long day, it may mean that you are at risk of developing varicose veins. If this happens once, you may not have to worry. However, if you notice that your feet and ankles swell regularly, it’s probably an early warning sign.

Sore legs
Legs that hurt after walking or doing other types of physical activity can tell you something. People who experience cramping and sore legs after physical activity are more likely to develop varicose veins.

Red spots on the lower legs
If you are concerned about the development of varicose veins, inspect your lower legs for red spots. These spots can be an early sign that the blood vessels in the legs have weakened.

Shiny legs
Before the swelling of varicose veins appears, some people notice an unnatural shine on the legs or unnatural pigmentation on the surface of the skin. You may also notice that your feet are itchy or peeling.

Natural remedies to prevent varicose veins

  1. Apple cider vinegar
    One of the most affordable remedies for removing varicose veins is the use of apple cider vinegar, which has fantastic functions of promoting circulation and blood flow. In addition, it can help you purify, cleanse the body, and eliminate the accumulation of toxins inside. People with varicose veins can drink apple cider vinegar to treat this problem by mixing it with warm water. Or you can follow the instructions below.
  2. Olive oil
    Olive oil is a simple and safe remedy for the treatment of varicose veins. Many medical experts have proven that massaging the affected skin with olive oil is a good method to strengthen blood circulation and reduce pain and swelling caused by varicose veins.
  3. Garlic
    As you know, garlic brings a lot of benefits to human health, especially women’s skin. This is because it can protect your skin from inflammation and reduce some of the symptoms caused by varicose veins thanks to its anti-inflammatory activities.Moreover, this ingredient helps remove harmful toxins from blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.
    6 cloves of garlic
    3 oranges
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    Slice the garlic and place it in a glass container. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges. Add oranges and olive oil to the jar. Mix them well. After 12 hours, massage the veins with the combination within 15 minutes. Cover it with a cotton cloth and let it sit overnight
  4. Cayenne pepper
    If you want to treat varicose veins safely and effectively, you should try cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is full of bioflavonoids and vitamin C that can help dampen blood circulation, reduce swelling and pain in the veins.
    You will need:
    1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
    A cup of warm water
    Put cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water
    Mix well
    Drink this solution three times a day
    Perform this medication regularly for the best treatment
  5. Cabbage
    A popular vegetable in autumn-winter, cabbage ,contains high nutritional value while curing many diseases for humans, including varicose veins. This is because it possesses many vitamins, such as A, C, E, B1, B2, & K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc., which are effective in promoting blood circulation and protecting against cancer. In addition, cabbage is very rich in sulfur, which can help destroy fermentable substances in the blood and quickly reduce pain. Therefore, you can apply cabbage leaves to varicose veins or eat them daily to improve your condition.
  6. Chrysanthemum
    Chrysanthemum is known as an effective herb for patients with varicose veins. Chrysanthemum flowers contain flavonoids and vitamin C, which helps to effectively stimulate blood circulation. You will need:
    Chrysanthemum flowers
    Take chrysanthemum flowers and boil them. Dip a clean cloth on it and apply the solution to the veins for 5 minutes. Do this regularly for effective treatment
    Note: You can drink fresh chrysanthemum tea to get rid of the problem
  7. Witch hazel
    Witch hazel has gallic acid and many essential oils that can help relieve pain and swelling. In addition, this plant has wonderful functions of improving blood vessels and eliminating some of the symptoms caused by varicose veins.
  8. Cypress oil and olive oil
    The combination of cypress oil and olive oil is considered the perfect remedy for the quick and effective removal of varicose veins. Cypress oil can help get rid of varicose veins by increasing circulation and supporting the circulatory system. It is also thought to have several physiological effects, including a decrease in heart rate variability and residual healthy blood pressure.
    You will need:
    4-5 drops of cypress oil
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    Process 2:

Make a mixture of cypress oil and olive oil, then heat it gently
Apply the solution to the veins
Wait a few minutes
Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Repeat this way twice a day

  1. Olive oil and vitamin E oil
    Vitamin E oil is very effective in providing moisture and the necessary nutrition for the skin. Meanwhile, olive oil is an excellent way to treat varicose veins due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Additionally, this oil can help increase blood circulation and effectively reduce pain. Therefore, this will be a good mix to eliminate your problem.
    You will need:
    One tablespoon of vitamin E
    One tablespoon of olive oil
    Combine the above ingredients
    Heat the solution a little
    Apply it to the affected skin for a few minutes
    Follow the procedure twice a day
  2. Jojoba oil, grapeseed oil and lemon
    The combination of grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, and lemon oil is one of the most effective home remedies for varicose veins According to a study, grape seed extract can help address the symptoms of chronic vein. Lemon juice is enriched with vitamin C and acts as a blood purifier. You will need:
    3 – 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil
    3- 4 tablespoons of grapeseed oil
    8 -10 drops of lemon
    Mix the mentioned ingredient well. Apply it to infected skin. Massage it gently
    Repeat the drug twice a day.

Additional tips

Apart from the above wonderful home remedies, you need to apply some of the following simple treatments to get rid of varicose veins effectively.

  1. Exercise

Exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which you can add to your extensive list of exercise benefits. The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute states that sitting (especially with poor posture — such as keeping your head forward — or cross-legged) or standing for long periods of time without much movement is associated with an increased risk for varicose veins and other forms of blood pooling.

When you stagnate for too long, it is more difficult for the veins to pump blood back to the heart efficiently and fight the effects of gravity. Exercise is also a great way to naturally balance hormones, lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, and lower blood pressure, all of which can contribute to varicose veins.

If you feel pain when you start exercising, start slowly and warm up well. You can also elevate your legs to reduce swelling and pain, or try compression socks to create gentle pressure on your leg that prevents blood from pooling.

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight

People who are overweight are more likely to develop varicose veins, especially overweight women and the elderly. Excess body weight puts pressure on your veins and can contribute to inflammation.

  1. Essential oils to balance hormones

Many different essential oils are beneficial for improving blood flow while reducing inflammation and hormonal imbalances. One of the best for the special treatment of vein problems is cypress oil, which has the ability to increase circulation and support the circulatory system. Try rubbing five drops of cypress essential oil on the problem area twice a day for several weeks. If you experience muscle pain, swelling, or blistering of the skin, try using other diluted essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree and lavender oil in small amounts to soothe problem areas.

  1. Anti-inflammatory diet
    Certain foods help reverse inflammation and improve blood flow, allowing varicose veins to heal faster and prevent future ones from forming. A poor diet — rich in things like trans fats, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods — can contribute to artery damage, low circulation, blood pressure problems, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain. Many of these foods are also high-sodium, dehydrating, foods that contain toxins that can worsen the swelling of varicose veins.

Some of the best anti-inflammatory foods to reduce the appearance of varicose veins include:

High-fiber foods – Fiber helps improve heart health and is also needed for healthy digestive functions. Eating 30–40 grams of fiber every day is a great way to prevent constipation, which can cause bloating and increased pressure on the veins around the abdomen and legs. High-fiber foods to eat include chia seeds and flax seeds, (which are also omega-3 foods, which are anti-inflammatory), vegetables, fresh fruits, and soaked/sprouted legumes and ancient grains.
Highly oxidative foods – Antioxidants, such as flavonoids (present in berries), vitamin C, and vitamin E (both present in green vegetables and citrus fruits), help strengthen veins, fight inflammation, and improve arterial health. Vitamin E is known to help prevent blood clots, acts as a natural blood thinner, and is linked to heart health. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug and beneficial for skin health.
Natural diuretics – Doctors sometimes use diuretic pills to increase urination and reduce water retention or swelling. You can safely get the same effect by consuming things like fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, basil), fennel, dandelion greens, cucumber, asparagus and celery.
Foods rich in magnesium – Blood pooling, blood pressure problems, and leg cramps (such as restless legs syndrome) are warning signs of deficiencies in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. To overcome these symptoms, increase your intake of things like leafy greens, avocados, bananas, cruciferous vegetables, and sweet potatoes.
Spicy foods – Foods with spices like cayenne pepper or curry help warm the body and get blood flow, adding to healthy circulation and even appetite/weight control.
Wild-caught fish – Fish and seafood such as wild salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and tuna provide omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for proper blood flow.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) – ACV improves circulation in the walls of the veins and is an effective anti-inflammatory drug. Many people find that using ACV along with witch’s hazel on varicose veins helps reduce swelling and improve their appearance within just a few weeks.

  1. Natural herbs, including blueberry and horse chestnut
    Blueberry and horse chestnut, two plants that are thousands of years old and popular folk remedies, have been found to be effective and safe for treating varicose veins. Both have been studied for chronic venous insufficiency that causes pain, ankle swelling, a feeling of heaviness, itching, and nocturnal cramp in the leg. (8, 9) They are also useful for reducing water retention, circulatory problems, swelling, diarrhea, PMS cramps, and other skin-related conditions.
    The fruit of the blueberry plant can be eaten or turned into extracts or tea. The horse chestnut tree (sometimes called a buckeye) produces seeds, leaves, bark, and flowers that can be found in the form of an extract, cream/lotion, tea, or capsule. Look for horse chestnut seed extract standardized to contain 16 to 20 percent esacin (escin), the active ingredient. Horse chestnut should be taken in doses of about 100 milligrams once a day. I recommend taking blueberries in doses of about 160 milligrams, twice a day.

For more information about my tips on varicose veins, check out my videos or visit the mariolab youtube channel!
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