For a healthy liver : every day take a few tablespoons and completely clean seize inflammation and fat…

Today I will recommend an exceptional natural way to help a sick liver. A large number of you have a fatty liver without realizing it. Fatty liver shows subtle symptoms for a long period of time. When you notice significant problems related to a diseased liver, most often the situation is critical. Fatty liver can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. If you do not properly treat fatty liver, it turns into cirrhosis and later into liver cancer.

Liver cancer is practically an incurable condition. The liver is the largest internal organ, in an adult man weighing about 1.2-1.5 kg. It is located in the right upper abdomen and for the most part protected by ribs. The liver occupies a central place in the metabolism and functioning of substance exchange in the body. Due to a number of important, life-long functions that it performs, it is picturesquely called the “chemical factory” of our organism.

It is the main filter of toxins that we put into ourselves every day. A large number of you do not know that the liver stores large amounts of vitamins. In the liver we have large amounts of vitamins A, D, E, B12, K, FOLIC ACID! Iron is stored in large quantities in the liver. It is crucial for the breakdown of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, stores hormones… Bile is synthesized in the liver, collected in the bile ducts, stored in the gallbladder, and from there bile piped into the intestines. Bile ingredients, especially bile acids, promote the process of digestion in the intestines, especially the processing and absorption of fats. And a lot of other things are done by the liver.

Today I will recommend LECITHIN for the treatment of diseased liver. Lecithin makes up as much as 30% of the brain’s weight and 73% of the fat in the liver. The name lecithin originated from the Greek word lekithos, referring to its source – egg yolk, and was discovered by the French chemist Maurice Gobley in 1850. age. Lecithin is a natural substance found in egg yolks, soybeans and sunflower seeds. Known for its unique property of dissolution in water and fats. Lecithin is a source of choline amines, a protein necessary for healthy cell structure. Lecithin plays a key role in the function of healthy cell membranes that lining every cell in our body. Lecithin is a waxy substance and belongs to phospholipids. It is a complex mixture of phospholipids, phosphoric acid, B vitamins and the amino acid methionine.

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