Frequent nocturnal urination disappears if you take this vitamin

Today I will talk about the main causes of frequent nighttime urination and what are the most important vitamins for eliminating this problem. Frequent urination is a symptom of many conditions and can lead to lack of sleep and affect your ability to work, exercise or perform daily functions. Frequent nocturnal urination is also called nocturia. For people who engage in nocturia or frequent urination in the middle of the night, this issue can affect their quality of life, leading to fatigue, mood swings, changes in appetite and brain fog.

Frequent wetting means that you have a need to urinate much more often than normal daily urination patterns. There are two terms used to describe frequent urination: “polyuria” refers to increased urine volume, and “frequent urination” refers to the passage of a normal amount of urine, but the need to go to the toilet more often. People with frequent nocturnal urination have the urge to urinate several times per night.

One of the main causes of frequent urination is bladder diseases. It can be an infection or injury to the bladder, or it can be changes in muscles, nerves or tissues that affect bladder function. Common causes can be:

1.Urinary stones – the accumulation of minerals that form in the bladder and occur more often in men.

2.Overactive bladder – a condition that does not allow the bladder to properly retain urine, resulting in problems such as urinary incontinence .
3.Interstitial cystitis -causes bladder pain and pressure, resulting in frequent urination.

One of the most common causes of frequent nighttime urination is prostate disease. With type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the body tries to get rid of unused glucose through your urine, causing frequent urination and a large amount of urine. In addition to frequent urination, some other common symptoms of diabetes include weight changes, numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, frequent infections and dry skin. One of the biggest problems with frequent nocturnal urination is insulin resistance and diabetes!

What else causes this problem? First of all, urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract. STDs are on the rise and because many of them affect your urinary system, they can cause frequent urination. Chlamydia and gonorrhea in particular can cause frequent urination, including frequent urination, painful urination, discharge and swelling when opening the urethra.
Taking medications, such as diuretics, muscle relaxants, sedatives… they can trigger frequent nocturnal urination. When you are pregnant, you may have frequent nocturnal urination. And the last common cause is psychological problems! Stress, anxiety… It can lead to nighttime stress.

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