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How to make the perfect bay leaf tea?

Today I will tell you what are the health benefits of bay leaf tea. At the end of the show, I’ll give you my perfect tea recipe that you can drink regularly.

Bay leaf grows on a group of evergreen plants belonging to a plant family called Lauraceae. These plants produce aromatic leaves that are used in cooking and for health purposes. Whole/fresh, dried or ground powder is available. This tea helps you in the work of the heart. Prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces high blood clots… This is very good news, because heart and blood vessel diseases are the most dangerous diseases of the modern way of life. This way you prevent heart attack and stroke, deep vein thrombosis…

Bay leaf has been shown to be effective in treating type 2 diabetes for lowering glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. To achieve maximum result, patients with type 2 diabetes are suggested to consume bay leaves powder for 30 days. The antioxidants in bay leaves help our body produce insulin effectively. Therefore, they are good for diabetics and people who have insulin resistance.

Bay leaf is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of indigestion and other stomach problems. Relieves abdominal pain, gastrointestinal infections, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. It can also be used as a diuretic. In this way, feed the intestinal microbiome. This is a natural remedy for irritable bowel syndrome,Crohn’s disease….

Extracted oil from bay leaves contains an anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain due to strain, sprains, arthritis and rheumatism. Bay leaf oil helps relieve migraines and headaches. Bay leaf is useful for increasing blood circulation. In case of joint pain, you can also use bay leaf as a compress…

Bay leaf tea has anticancer effects. Bay leaf contains caffeic acid, quercetin, euganol and catechin that protect us and prevent us from various types of cancer. Bay leaf is effective in combating flu symptoms and sore throat. It has an anti-cough effect and naturally promotes better kidney function. It can reduce excess uric acid in the body.

Linalol, from bay leaf, can help lower the level of stress hormones in the body. Excess stress hormones can be dangerous to long-term health, so bay leaf might just have the ability to calm you down and help you stay relaxed even in moments of high anxiety.

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