Tea for the treatment of flu and colds

Today I will recommend a wonderful plantthat helps to naturally and safely eliminate upper respiratory tract infections.such as colds, viruses, flu, high temperature…

A cold is a viralinfection of the upper respiratory tract, usually caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses or adenoviruses. The first symptoms of the disease are cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, mild sore throat, light fever. Influenza is a viral infection of the respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses A, B or C.Abruptly begins with high fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat.

Virosis is a general term used for various viral infections that can affect different parts of the body, including the airways.

The plant that will help you is called iđirot. Also known as “Timisovarka” or “water peony”, it is a widespread perennial plant that has been growing in China, India and Japan for thousands of years. He is highly respected in traditional Chinese medicine, and one emperor even gave him a name – “one who prolongs life”. You can find it under the names “sweet flag”, “sweet sedge”, “calamus”…

I have been studying traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for over 20 years. These Asian countries are far ahead of the countries of the Western world,in terms of understanding and using natural lijks. Iđirot is usually used in natural medicine to treat: cough, cramps, bronchitis, headaches, joint pain, increase in circulation, improvement of concentration and memory. Igirot has exceptional efficacy for many health problems.

Since it is rich in vitamin C, it works against colds and flu, lowers the temperature and purifies the body, while iodine from iđirot improves concentration and memory. It naturally removes gout. It is also recommended for slow metabolism, anemia, kidney disease. Extremely thin people should drink tea from iđirot because it opens the appetite, and it is a good cleanser for the body. From the diet you need to eliminate bad foods,because harmful viruses are fed from bad food.

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