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The 3 most dangerous symptoms of a sick cervical spine

Today I will talk to you about the most dangerous symptoms of a diseased cervical spine. I know a lot about this problem because every day, for the last few decades, I treat people with a diseased spine. A significant change in lifestyle in the last 20-30 years has in a large proportion emphasized a large increase in spinal diseases. We sit too much, move too little, eat very bad food, have problems with sleep, stress…

And a lot of things cause us these diseases. Please understand… a large number of diseases of the spine are in milder customs and their problems in themselves disappear within 10-12 days. You will rest, take a pain pill, apply creams and problems disappear primarily because the inflammation is not particularly large. And our body fights and solves the problem. However, if your problems last longer than 12 days, then we are talking about a much bigger problem. They last a few weeks, months… This is the kind of problem I look at the most in my office. This indicates that, primarily if the problems last longer than 3 months, you have entered a very severe chronic phase of the disease.

This tells me the most that you have been treated or are being treated completely wrong! Ignore the symptoms, swallow pills, go to treat people who do not know how to treat your disease SAFEly, PERMANENTLY AND WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS! And unfortunately you end up in the most difficult stages of diseases that significantly impair your quality of life.

You need to know that the cervical spine has 7 vertebrae between which there are discs. Through the cervical spine passes the spinal cord from which the nerves branch. Each nerve through a special crack goes from the neck to the shoulder,through the entire armand ends up in the fingers of the fist. The most common diseases that will affect you will be : disc herniation, protrusion, bulging, arthrotic neck changes, spondylosis, injuries…

And in most cases, there will be inflammation of the root of the nerve that comes out of the neck. The first dangerous symptom will be pain that spreads down the arms and ends in the fingers of the hand! This means that the root of the nerve is so pressed and inflamed that it spreads the sensation of pain all the way through. When the disease is of a lighter nature, the pain will end in the shoulders or upper arm. The greater the pains and continue to spread, the more dangerous the disease.

Another dangerous symptom will relate to burning, tingling, burning, lightening down the arms. Again, the situation is the same… If these symptoms spread throughout the arm and fingers of the hand, you are in the most dangerous stage of the disease! Depending on which nerve is affected by inflammation, you will have these symptoms from the inner, outer or front of the upper arm or forearm of the affected arm.

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