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The most dangerous cause of high blood pressure

Today I’m going to talk about the most dangerous causes of high blood pressure. Due to the significantly changed lifestyle of the last few decades, high blood pressure in people is extremely increasing. One great danger of developing high blood pressure is that you have it but you are NOT AWARE of it! In many cases, you are not explained why this high blood pressure originated in your body. You do not know the cause, but treat it in the ways that are recommended to you.

So, you need to know the cause of the disease! So they can be treated. If you are for many years you are at a much higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney disease, liver disease, increase the risk of eye disease, aneurysms, cardiac arrest, diseased blood vessels…

Insulin resistance implies a state of the body in which there is a weakening of the peripheral effect of insulin. Its main task is to facilitate the transition of sugar, the main energy raw material, from the blood to the target tissues (liver, muscles, adipose tissue). The consequence of insufficient peripheral effect of insulin is manifested in the increased production and excretion of insulin from pancreatic beta cells, in order to preserve the blood sugar balance, and this condition is called hyperinsulinemia.

You need to know that the impaired function of insulin in the body,leaves a much higher concentration of sugar in the blood. It has an extremely inflammatory effect on blood vessels and, after a long time, causes high blood pressure. Insulin resistance is a condition in which your high insulin stiffens your arteries, disrupts the endothelial layer of your arteries, which begins hardening of the arteries as well as the cascading effect of cholesterol and calcium that accumulate in the arteries.
In the short term, an elevated concentration of insulin in the blood leads to unpleasant symptoms such as relatively sudden weakness, trembling and subjective feeling of hunger, which is further exacerbated after eating carbohydrate-rich meals. After insulin resistance, diabetes occurs,and diabetes worsens high blood pressure.

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