Unusual symptoms of diseased liver on the hands and skin!

Today I will talk to you about the clear symptoms of fatty liver. A large number of people do not recognize the early symptoms of fatty liver. This is the initial stage of liver disease,and when you do not notice the early symptoms you are in great danger of much more severe diseases… Fatty liver is also known as liver steatosis. This happens when fat accumulates in the liver. Having small amounts of fat in your liver is normal, but too much can become a health problem.

Your liver is the second largest organ in your body. It helps to process nutrients from food and drinks and filters harmful substances from the blood. Too much fat in the liver can cause inflammation of the liver, which can damage the liver and create scars. In severe cases, this scar can lead to liver failure. When fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, it is known as alcoholic fatty liver disease . In someone who does not drink a lot of alcohol , it is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease . Alcohol is a toxin that can be easily tolerated by the liver.

Our liver is an organ that performs hundreds of essential processes for our health every day. Our liver deactivates the toxins we ingest with food, drink, medicine… The more we ingest poisons into the body, the less likely our liver has a chance of detoxification… When the liver is healthy it completely filters out toxins, but with less function a certain amount of toxins comes out of the liver into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. As blood rich in toxins spreads through the body , they create inflammation and other types of diseases…

Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the wire bladder. It is released when bile is needed by the digestive system… The main role of bile is: fat digestion. Bile breaks down fat into smaller molecules. Bile also helps the body to better break down fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E,K) and improves the breakdown of calcium in the body. And more bile helps the conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A! After nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the small and large intestine, through the hepatic portal system of blood vessels reach the liver… in the liver, for example, nutrients such as iron, vitamin a, b12 and vitamin D are extracted from the bloodstream and stored for further use!

It is very interesting that the liver is the only internal organ that can be regenerated (except for liver damage by alcohol). So if it is damaged, with proper natural treatment programs, there may be significant improvements. The liver takes approximately 4-6 weeks to repair damage and to regenerate damaged cells.

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