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What happens if you eat a handful of peanuts every day?

Peanuts are a vegetable that belongs to the legume family, although many consider it a nut. It originates from South and Central America and arrived in Europe in the 15th century. century. For his diet, man uses peanut seeds that are rich in protein, fiber, iron, zinc and vitamins E and K. Peanuts are eaten independently or made from it butter, oil, flour, etc.

Nutritionally, peanuts are an extremely caloric valuable food (567kcal per 100g), so its consumption should be limited and adjusted to your own daily calorie needs. Most often, the recommended measure of peanuts – a handful is recommended daily, and if it is talking about peanut butter – 1 tablespoon. However, the quantities should definitely be adjusted to individual needs, depending on the goals and type and degree of physical activity.

This legume is rich in oleic acid, a healthy fat that is also found in olive oil, but it is also rich in antioxidants. Peanuts are rich in polyphenols, primarily an ingredient called p-coumarinic acid, and baking increases the content of this acid in peanuts, increasing their total antioxidant level by as much as 22%.

Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat that positively affects heart and cardiovascular health. It is believed that this type of fat reduces the risk of developing heart disease by as much as 21%. In addition to its healthy fat content, peanuts are recommended in the diet because of their high content of vitamin E, niacin and folate, but also protein and manganese. And what’s more interesting, it’s these healthy fatty acids that prevent gallstones from flowing.

In addition, peanuts are rich in resveratrol, an extremely powerful antioxidant . I’ve talked about it on my channel. Resveratrol prevents visible signs of aging, prolongs life, promotes skin health and brain health!

A study published in 2002. In The Journal of the American Medical Association, she confirmed that a diet rich in peanuts and peanut butter lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Namely, it is the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids found in peanuts that have a positive effect on glucose and insulin homeostasis.

Although it is a calorie high-value food, studies confirm that people who have peanuts in their diet less often have problems with excess weight than people who do not have this food in their diet. Namely, precisely because of the fat content and caloric value, peanuts give a feeling of satiety for a long time, so with their intake does not come to a significant increase in energy.

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