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Why drink water with lemon? These are the health benefits…

We all know that lemon is healthy, but do you know why you should drink water with lemon every day and when you should not drink water with lemon? About that on today’s show…? Just half a lemon squeezed into a glass of lukewarm water can be a miracle drink for our body.

Lemons are mostly used in tea, lemonade or as an addition to salads… It is this lemon that we always think of only when we see it in the refrigerator or bowl as the last food – is one of the universal natural remedies for numerous conditions and diseases.

Health benefits of water with lemon:

Boosts immunity
Natural antibiotic that protects against bacteria and viruses
Gives a feeling of satiety
It raises energy levels when the body is tired
Beneficial effect on the liver
Lowers blood cholesterol levels
It is effective against heartburn (do not drink it alone)
Helps with menstrual pain
Reduces the intensity of cough and removes mucus
It acts as a natural antiseptic
Helps with acne
It acts on skin cells
Can be used to treat rheumatism and arthritis

As you can see, the advantages are numerous. The effect is not noticeable overnight, as with any other natural method of treatment, but it is worth a try. Warm water on an empty stomach can do wonders. Flavonoids from citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on digestion. Ingredients from lemon stimulate the liver in the process of bile secretion, which is necessary for digesting fat. Because of the sour taste of lemon, many of us would think that lemon is a “sour” food, but it is not. Lemon is an alkaline food (acidic environment favors the occurrence of diseases in our body, which is why it is desirable to consume “alkaline foods”)

Water and lemon is an excellent recipe for solving the problem of constipation, precisely because it stimulates the intestines, hydrates them and helps to expel dried stools. Defecation should be facilitated after drinking this drink, and the digestive system should work under less effort.

The abundance of vitamin C from lemonhelps the production of collagen in the skin, which is responsible for the firmness and youthful appearance of the skin. Lemon water helps in the healing process of wounds and reduces the visibility of scars. Age spots and scars will not completely disappear, but if nothing else – they will be less visible. Regular consumption of lemon water guarantees a fresh look of the skin without the use of cosmetic products that are actually overloaded with harmful chemicals.

Vitamin C strengthens the body’s defenses against viruses and bacteria. Lemon also contains potassium, which controls blood pressure, and in addition has an anti-inflammatory effect. Lemon is indeed an excellent choice when it comes to respiratory diseases such as asthma. Potassium will also help with the problem of gallstones. Lemon will also help with the absorption of iron. Citric acid has the same effect as ascorbic acid, which helps in the alkalization of the body. Vitamin C will also help raise mood and wake up the body and fight depression, anxiety and stressful situations.

This is an excellent remedy against nausea and vomiting. Lemon stimulates the digestion of fats, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss. Lemon juice contains pectins, polysaccharides that reduce food cravings. Therefore, a glass of water with lemon after waking up can provide a feeling of satiety in our body, and in addition, lemon water will help you with faster breakdown of food. Regular drinking of water with lemon helps the smooth functioning of the digestive system and the excretion of waste products from the body. Direct intake of this fluid into the stomach (vain) cleanses the body of toxins, thus preventing the growth of cancerous, abnormal cells in the body and their development.

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